KERRY BEALL | Manchester Based Artist | Beautiful Unique Artwork | Original Art | Commissions | Prints |

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So, I've launched into the new year with a bang in terms of creativity which is an awesome feeling!
Just moved to Manchester from Bath so all change.

I love moving, mainly for the fact it gives your mind a big shake up. All that stagnant energy is released and once again, anything is possible! 

In the midst of the move I started sketching a few ideas, merging old works with new works, drawing, painting, scanning and printing then painting again.
It was liberating!!

I think I had made some subconscious rules around my creativity. This piece is a symbol of throwing all of those rules in the air and returning to the playfulness within creativity. Let's face it, that's where the magic happens! It was so enjoyable and liberating! 

I'm looking forward to see how this piece develops.

This composition flashed into my mind just before I fell asleep. The blue face, the swans with pink tipped wings in front of a golden sun.